Freemasonry is the World's Oldest and Largest Fraternal Organization.

Chartered December 11th, 1891 the Canyon City Lodge has been a part of this community from the very beginning.

We are a close knit group of brothers focused on becoming better men, involved and active in our community, and acting as stewards of our honored fraternity.

Lodge History

Masonry has been around in some form for hundreds of years, with the oldest known Masonic document dating back to 1390 A.D. Masonic lodges were originally developed from the lodges of operative stone masons. Today's masonic lodges practice "speculative" masonry, meaning they focus on improving the men who join.

In 1717 the first Grand Lodge was formed in England, and shortly afterwards the first American lodge was founded in New Jersey in 1730. Many prominent members of the American Revolution were masons, and masonic ideals played a constructive role in the formation of our government.

After Stephen F. Austin and six other Masons unsuccessfully petitioned The Grand York Lodge of Mexico in 1828, they eventually held the first Masonic meeting in Texas in March of 1835 in Brazoria, TX. After that meeting they applied to the Grand Lodge of Louisiana for dispensation, and in time they were granted a charter. That charter was carried by Brother Anson Jones in his saddlebag during the Battle of San Jacinto. Brother Jones later went on to become the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas. A few other famous Texas Masons of that time frame are Sam Houston, William B. Travis, James Bowie, David Crockett, R.E.B. Baylor, and Mirabeau Lamar.

Our lodge's history starts a few years afterwards, in the late 1800's.


4th Thursday of the month January-October

Dinner at 6:30PM and Lodge at 7:30PM

3rd Thursday of the month November-December

Dinner at 6:30PM and Lodge at 7:30PM

Breakfast 1st Saturday of every month, 8:30AM

Contact Us

Canyon City Lodge #730 A.F.&A.M.

Physical Address:

909 9th AVE, Canyon, TX 79015

Mailing Address:

PO Box 187, Canyon, TX 79015

Phone: 806-655-3001